Efficient Torque - Transverse Flux
Axial and Radial Flux motors can increase pole count to increase torque constant, however, winding resistance increases by roughly the square of the pole count, so resistance loss per amp also increases. So there is no first-order improvement in torque per loss.
Transverse Flux is different. In a Transverse Flux motor, increasing pole count has the opposite effect and winding resistance drops. This means that maintaining high torque causes less winding loss.
Enormous shear area in a small motor volume
Torque is generated by the attraction and repulsion of magnetic fields between motor elements, a rotor, and a stator. Generating more torque takes more area for these interactions. This area is referred to as shear area. The Elemental Motor folds a huge surface area into a small motor size making it operate as if it were a much larger motor. Gen 3 takes this to a higher level.
Higher airgap shear area

In a traditional motor, a cylinder for the airgap on the inside of the armature and has to leave room for "end turns" where windings thread back into the armature.
In the Elemental motor's 6 axial and 3 radial airgaps shear areas are folded into the same case size as the conventional motor.

Higher airgap diameter

Traditional Radial Air Gap Shear Area
Typically 6 Axial Air Gaps combine in the topology to produce high shear area at a larger diameter
Standard BLDC motor shear area is inside at smaller diameter and 1/3rd the area
Higher Flux density
The Elemental Motor uses Flux concentration. This allows higher flux densities in the sheer areas.
An Axial or Radial Surface Permanent Magnet motor will be limited to about 0.8 Tesla. Inside The Elemental Motor, Flux densities reach over 2 Teslas in the air gap shear areas.
Increased field intensity and increased airgap shear area combine to produce higher torque and a more powerful motor.
High Core efficiency for high efficiency and high speed
As can be seen in the image above, the airgap sheer areas reach above 2 Tesla, however as seen on the image below, the core area operates at peak flux densities of about 1 tesla. This drops core loss to 1/4 and allows for both high efficiency and high-speed operation
How its done:
In this CAD image of a pole, the highlighted blue geometry areas take the high flux density area and quickly transition it to about half of the field intensity. This allows for higher efficiency and higher RPM operation. Gen 3's patent-pending technology makes this possible.
a Robust, Simple construction
Magnet Ring
Flux Concentrators
Phase coil